Wednesday, September 30, 2015

28. The Simple Tunic

I have an interesting relationship with clothing. I love clothing, and I hate fashion. This was especially true of me as a teenager, when all I wanted to wear was a sweatshirt, which I considered the greatest article of clothing ever invented. In fact later sketches from this book show some of my attempts at designing the ideal sweatshirt. I later learned to appreciate other forms of clothing, and especially enjoyed the thrill of the hunt at thrift stores. However, in recent months I have been trying to apply minimalism to my life, and am working towards a minimalist wardrobe, similar to the one I designed in this sketch. There is something very liberating about having just a few classic nice pieces with some good accessories instead of stacks and stacks of clothing that I hardly wore anyway. It frees up your mind for better things. Like drawing :)

If you are interested in minimalism, I liked this site as a starting point.


  1. If you click on the word "this" it will take you to it. I tried to make my links more visible but it changes the post title color as well and it looks strange. Blogger has its limitations I guess
