Friday, September 25, 2015

25. The Dragon Post - An excerpt from The Encyclopedia of Goan

Plate 7.1 Dragon Rider in the standard D. P. uniform modeled after the dragon's appearance
Dragon Post, the. (2 GR - Present) A mail and small parcel delivery service comprised of human riders and their dragons. This delivery service was established in the second year of the Goanian Republic when the Outer Islands joined the Goanian mainland government. Rapid communication with the island states was crucial to the new alliance, and the Dragon Post became a key instrument in cementing strong relationships between the republic members. 

Plate 7.2 Map of Phle Goan showing key Dragon Post routes**
The D. P., as it came to be known, is most famous for its role in the prevention of the Desdria uprising, but stories of the feats of the route riders are legendary and too numerous to be included hereAlthough the original riders were volunteers, riders now receive extensive training at the D. P. Academy before being accepted into service. This academy was established by one of the original route riders, Damion Torell, three years after the start of the D. P after several of the original volunteers were lost to storms and dragon panic on the long ocean routes. The academy's stated purpose is to provide training in survival, dragon management, and navigation to better prepare riders for the difficulties involved in route riding, especially those encountered in the storm plagued ocean passages. Despite the dangers associated with the D. P., positions as route riders are highly sought after, and official riders are respected by all of the states, even in times of political disagreement. 

See also: Desdria Uprising, the. Jones, Mac "The Gull". Torell, Damion.

**The map for this post was created using the Nortantis Fantasy Map Generator, with a few edits in Gimp. You can download the generator for free here.

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