Thursday, September 17, 2015

24. Desert(ed) Factory

I'm almost done with another doll, but I wanted to get through a few more of the historical sketches series real quick. My family traveled quite a bit when I was a child, and to me everywhere we went had a story lurking around the corner. Streams had a girl with her dinosaur wading through them, old stone houses had a peasant girl about to set out on a great adventure living in them. And, strangely enough, something about a mining plant out in the middle of the desert on the way to my grandparents also had a story to tell, apparently. I still think it is a cool looking plant, almost abandoned looking even though it is still very functional, but the story, if there ever was one, has left me. 
What about you? Do you see stories in the places you go? I noticed that I didn't as much when I was busy with school and work, but when life slowed down a little I started getting inspired again, which was a good reminder to me about the importance of slowing down occasionally!

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