Friday, April 3, 2015

15. Fairytale Princess and Imperfection

So this is again not one of my favorite sketches ever. However, I remember when I first started this sketchbook being so scared of sketching something I didn't like and "ruining" the book, that I wouldn't draw anything for several days. In the end I did draw some things that I don't really love, but they didn't ruin the book. I think I have talked about this idea in previous posts, but I think it is so important as a creator of any kind to realize that not everything you make will turn out, but that's OK. Failures allow us to achieve success later on. 
I listened to an interesting TED talk on this subject a while back. You can watch it here. I like the idea that just because we can't do it perfectly yet, that doesn't mean we never will be able to. 

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