Wednesday, May 20, 2015

18 & 19 - Emblems of Adventure

Well, I have been a bit distracted lately, but I am going to try and get back to posting more regularly! I have been focusing most of my time on the doll, and Ella is nearly complete! I will hopefully post pictures and her full story very soon, she just had some last minute improvements come up that I need to complete. It has been a lot of fun getting back into doll making!

For now though, here are a few more sketches. I am posting two pages today because they are kind of connected. I really like the Japanese style crests that were used to identify families similar to how heraldry was used in Europe, so I decided to create some of my own. Thus the page full of crests. The Large one in the center was my signature for a while since it was made up of my initials. Now that I'm married I need to come up with a new one! 

This second image was my attempt to draw the ultimate adventure outfit. However, I didn't really do any research about what would be useful on an epic adventure, so I'm not sure that it is really practical. Oh well. I had fun drawing it.

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