Saturday, February 21, 2015

5. Treasure Planet World

One of my favorite movies as a teenager was Treasure Planet. I loved the creative blend of science fiction and the original book setting, and it had a great soundtrack too! This image is based off one of the worlds that flashes briefly into view through the portal in the climax of the film. In the still below you can see the similarity. 

I drew this before everything was available on the internet, so I had to sketch off what I could see from the brief flash in the movie, and then added a few elements of my own. 

Apparently some spacer decided to wait out the storm inside one of these weird formations. I am not sure why their ship doesn't get blown away, they must have a pretty good anchoring system. Anyway, it is a cool world concept, maybe some day I will get around to writing something about it.
I have been heavily influenced by my favorite films, books, and music, as will become more obvious in later sketches. It is fun to play off of the creativity of others, I don't think anyone can create in a vacuum. Is there a film that inspires your creative juices?

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