Saturday, January 24, 2015


"People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like"
-- Unknown

I once heard someone say that they didn't like quotes, they liked ideas. I think they must have meant they didn't like the endless quoting of movies, youtube videos, etc. that is common. However, when I initially heard them say this it surprised me because I love quotes. To me a good quote encapsulates an idea, usually in a concise and well worded way. For example, the quote that starts this post seems to nicely express what I think about this blog, my artwork, and any stories I decide to post.
 For a while on first starting my sketchbook I wrote good quotes I came across on the inside of the front and back cover (by the way, I do not guarantee the accuracy of the sources), One of my favorite from this front cover is "Limitations imply possibilities". I think about this a lot when I come up against barriers in daily life or art. Several years ago I started having a lot of health problems related to food and digestion, and I ended up on the GAPS diet which meant no grains, starches, or processed foods for a year. It was intense not being able to go to the store or restaurant and grab whatever pre-made food looked good, but because of it I learned a lot about cooking and I now eat better than I ever have and am much healthier and happier. So although the popular saying is to not limit yourself, sometimes limits lead to growth, improvement, and greater creativity in all areas of life.

What about you, do you have a favorite quote that has impacted your life?

Next post will finally be some actual sketches!


  1. Julie, I love this blog! I know it has been out there for a while, but mom finally had me look at it some last night and now I'm hooked.

    I have tons of favorite quotes, as the walls of our office attest. I really have a hard time picking a favorite, but I don't want to splatter all of them in this post. I have many that have kept me going through life, like Winston Churchill's “Never, never, never give up.” That's really a good one for lots of hard problems.

    I think one of my current, most recent favorites is: "Advance regularly from things known to things unknown."

    I'm really looking forward to reading through the rest of this and thinking about your great questions.


    1. Glad you enjoy it! It's mostly for my own personal enjoyment but I appreciate readers and comments! I like the quote about advancing, that is hard to do sometimes though...
