Monday, August 24, 2015

23. Aislin

**I have decided to try and make these posts from my old sketchbook more about the feelings I connect with them, and less about the process of creation unless it is really important. A few moments of thinking about this sketch led to--another story!

What am I doing here? Ember thought to himself as he looked about the hall full of swirling, happy dancers. He had given up dancing years ago, after the accident, so why was he at a village dance? Was he really that bored? Apparently anthropological observations of one of the few groups still untouched by dragons was not his cup of tea. He would not be tricked by Professor Illsley so easily again. “Fascinating insights from a dragonless culture” indeed. He should stick with what he knew he loved. He should spend his time finding a match for the Aerid instead of sitting here taking notes on ethnic dance. He glanced around the room, only to have his gaze rest on a young woman who seemed at least as bored as he was. Well, perhaps bored was not the right word. She seemed, abstracted. Lost in thought. Not the usual appearance of a young woman at a lively dance. She was blond like most of the Marsi, but of a color so light it was almost white. Large distracted eyes under dark lashes appeared to be green, but she was too far away to be certain. Ember caught himself thinking she was by far the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Since when did he care about that? As a scholar, indeed the youngest scholar to ever attain professorship at the university, he was too busy to be chasing after girls like other young men his age. He refocused his gaze to her attire, which was one of the more interesting aspects of this culture. The Marsi told much about themselves through their traditional dress. Lets see, Three rows of shoulder panels, that meant she was fairly  wealthy. Knee length skirt indicated a young but fully grown adult. The lack of a triangular embroidered panel on her bodice meant she was unmarried, and the embroidered strips on her skirt indicated her clan. Dragon scales dangling from her hair and shoulder panels were used as a ward against danger in this society. Interesting, but only mildly. As he took in these details he could not help but notice as several young men approached the girl for a dance, only to be abruptly refused. They left in varying degrees of disappointment and embarrassment, and the girl continued her pondering.

Ember suddenly found himself on his feet and walking with his mild limp towards her. He was going to ask her to dance. Why not? There was nothing else to do, and since he also wished to be somewhere else, perhaps she would actually agree to him. Reaching her bench, he cleared his throat.  “I hesitate to venture where so many have failed, but would you do me the honor?”  he said, amazed to find himself blushing slightly. She stared at him for a moment, then said, with a slightly puzzled look “Are you asking me to dance?” “Um, yes” he replied, almost as amazed as she seemed to be. There was another pause, where her sparkling eyes, which he could now see were definitely green, seemed to stare right through him. Then she nodded and said “Yes, I will ‘do you the honor.’”She repeated his words dubiously, as if unsure of whether they were proper or not. He smiled, as much at her response as at his own happiness at her acceptance. What had come over him? He didn’t even know her! As they moved into place and began to dance, the girl seemed to slip away once more into thought. After several moments of silence he finally broke it, saying “Pardon me, but you seem unusually abstracted this evening. Is something amiss?” “Abstracted?” she questioned back, and he clarified “withdrawn, preoccupied,” and at her confused look he added “thoughtful.” “Oh,” She responded. “Yes, I am afraid I have quite a problem before me tonight.” “Well, it is clearly not trouble finding a partner, as you seem to have your pick of anyone here!” He remarked. She blushed slightly at this, and after sending a quick, enquiring glance into his face said “Actually, in a way you are right. I am forced to choose a husband by the end of the night, or have one chosen for me” she said with a grimace. Ember starteld. He had not thought such things happened outside of history books these days. “Picked for you! Ah, I see. And is it so hard for you to choose on your own?” “Yes.” She said succinctly. “Ah. And why is that? There seem to be many handsome young men here to choose from.” She looked searchingly around the room, as if needing to confirm his observation, before replying with some doubt. “Yes, I suppose. But actually I don’t care about that” “Oh, then what exactly do want in a husband?” He asked curiously. “Books” She replied, and Ember startled again. She looked up at him and then down at his leg in response, obviously concerned about his limp, and he shamelessly used the opportunity. “I find I tire sllightly. Shall we sit for a moment?” She nodded, and he moved them to an empty bench. “Books?” He asked once they were seated. picking up on her brevity. “Well, I want to learn to read, and then to read lots and lots, and I don’t think any of the--the options, own anything besides an almanac.” “Perhaps if they knew your interest in them they would acquire some.” He suggested. She laughed at that, and apparently considered that enough of a response. Ember sat silently for a moment, rubbing his leg abstractedly, first in thought and then, as his thoughts reached a conclusion, in an embarrassment he hadn’t felt in years. “Well then, would you possibly consider marrying me?” He asked.

She stared up at him, amazed. “I don’t even know who you are!” She said, cutting to the central problem. “Oh, my name is Ember, well, Dashel actually, Dashel Thorpember. The 3rd.” he added meekly. “Ember Dashel Thorpember the 3rd?” She asked. He shook his head, smiling again. He hadn’t smiled at anyone so much in years.“My friends just call me Ember, for obvious reasons.” He responded, glancing up at his glowing red hair. And who are you, Mr.---Ember” She asked. “Well, it’s technically Sir, or professor,  but I am a scholar and a--collector. From Inning.” “Oh. A collector? And what do you collect?” She asked suspiciously. “Dragons. Rare ones to be exact. I am currently endeavouring to discover and preserve ancient breeds before they are lost forever.” She stared back and him, suspicion and curiosity warring for dominance in her eyes. “Actually, you might be able to help me tremendously if you were to accept my offer.” Suspicion won. “How? Are you going to feed me to one of them?” she asked accusingly “Feed you to them?” caught up in considering how anyone could have such nicely curled lashes, it took him a moment to return to the thread of conversation. “Oh, you mean like in the old tales.”He replied when it finally clicked what she was referring to. “Of course not! I believe they prefer lamb anyway, although some of the larger breeds go more for cattle,  so I doubt they would take you even if I tried... Which I wouldn’t!” He added hastily, realizing that he was not exactly strengthening his position talking like that. She snorted softly, then seemed to grow thoughtful. “If I went with you, you would teach me to read?” “On my honor” he said, and as her eyes narrowed, no doubt considering that she had no notion what his honor was, he added. “It would be my pleasure.” “And you’d let me read all I want after you teach me?” “My entire library, which I believe has spread from its original place to encompass two additional rooms, would be yours to enjoy” he replied. She shook her head slowly, the motion setting the dragon scales in her hair on fire with reflected light. Dragon scales. Even as he admired the effect of the light reflecting of of them and her eyes his mind took off. Scales. The villagers were covered in them, yet for some reason no dragons would fly to this valley high in the mountains. And the scale shape was unique. There had to have been a breed here at some point. He would have to make a further study...He snapped out of his thoughts hurriedly as he realized that the girl was speaking to him “Sir? Sir Ember?” “My apologies, I am afraid I got slightly distracted by your scales and their implications regarding the existence of dragons in this valley at some point in its history. “You were thinking about dragons?” She asked in surprise, and Ember realized he had probably offended her. Who thinks about dragons while proposing to a girl?” “Ah, yes, I am afraid so.” She looked at him, appraisingly. “Well, in that case,  I guess I will, what was it that you said? ‘Do you the honor’?” Shocked that she had actually accepted, Ember’s mind whirled even as he found himself bowing slightly, smiling, and forming the words “Thank you.”

To be continued...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ella - A doll and a story

"When the hour of the ball arrived everything was ready. Ella set out alone in a carriage Lady Aurelia had ordered for her, since Ella had refused to travel together on the grounds that it would destroy her anonymity. She felt somewhat foolish taking a carriage at all, since Lady Aurelia’s lived within a short walk of the palace, but no one walked to a ball, and so the carriage it was."
- Excerpt from Ella Markan - or The Grass Slipper

Design sketch for Ella
The inspiration for this doll began with the fabric. My mother had given me some gorgeous blue satin brocade, and I had yards of blue tulle left over from another project. Combined they just screamed Cinderella, and with the recent release of the new film the story was one my mind anyway. The problem was, I have never been a big fan of Cinderella as a character, she seems a little spineless, and the fairy godmother is a bit deus ex machina to me. I like to like my dolls, and so I decided to rewrite Cinderella as a short story loosely based on the style of Georgette Heyer. It is not a true Regency period story like hers, and I don't claim a fraction of her skill, but I think it put a fun spin on the story.

With the story and the sketch in place I began to work. I tried out some needle sculpting on her face for the first time, and I love the technique, but I definitely need to practice. It was quite a process getting her face to where it is now, and if you saw my earlier post on her you will notice how much changed.  Her dress also changed quite a bit from the original sketch, but it was a great jumping off point.

Ella's full story is available here or you can access it in the side bar of the blog under the "Stories" heading. I had a lot of fun writing it and creating Ella, it was great to get back into doll making, so much so that I already have the idea for another one that I will hopefully work on soon. Until then I hope you enjoy Ella's improbably epic adventures.

And we're back!

Well, the "improbably epic" move is over, and now we are finally getting settled in, I will hopefully get back to blogging. Ella is finally finished, so I will be posting lots of pictures and her story soon, until then here is a picture from the photo shoot!